Well, When Life Gives You Lemons…

So this is the beautiful monster this assignment has given birth to. If you played my game and paid real close attention you would see the guy at the end had the star and droplet symbol on it. I wanted to keep the controller somewhat generic since there is a collection of games and I might add different ones I made so it’s kind of bland now. I like to think of it as a galaxy and the buttons are planets. 👍 I have more pictures. This isn’t good for you.

This is not messy that’s just your point of view. The big green thing with metal is a joystick. It is the same mechanism as the buttons but it’s just a stick instead of pushing down on buttons. I would like to mention that this layout works for me but maybe not everyone. My RPI0 is suspended in the air from the mini HDMI cable and micro USB. I also have a menu and restart button.
The yellow button is the menu. Blue is a and white is b. The red button on the side is the restart to get out of the game and the joystick doesn’t do anything. I just has your basic functions of moving your player in your game.
The screen in the background is my game during the boss battle with the math book. If you haven’t played my game I would threaten you to play it but for legal reasons, I just won’t do it on this blog post.

If you read this much I would like to thank you for bearing with the last two brain cells in my brain. They are dancing very vigorously. I will go cry myself to sleep about the number of tests that I have. I am totally 🧚✨FINE✨🧚

The “Boo”k

This game oh this game… Let’s just say I have gone through the intro and maze so many times like no cap that I can play through it with my eyes closed. I am very sick of it while being a proud parent.

Let me give you a little recap about my game. Basically, you are a therapist and your patient is a math book since it has “problems” pun intended. There are a lot of puns that I made subconsciously I don’t know how but it happened. Anyways the book’s emotions get the best of them and you get sucked into the book and it’s a four-step process. In the first level, you need two things: finding the marble to open the door and the math problem. In the second level you just need the math problem. When you get to the third level you need to find the door which has a pin on it. You have to answer the math problem to get four digits to insert. Don’t worry if you forgot the problems if you guess wrong it shows you both questions. If you somehow manage to get it right it teleports you to an arena where you need to make the CP of the book go up. (CP stands for confidence points since you are giving it compliments with each press of the button a while standing over it.) After you max out the cp it sends to you to the end title and I won’t spoil that bit.

This will be a bit long since it’s about what I had trouble with. Since it’s not normal for the “health” bar to go up I had to figure that out which was “SOMETHING.” OH and the MUSIC DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE “MUSIC.” All I will say is if you play an instrument you will understand the frustration of there being no sharps or flats. Do any of you remember “ONE TWO SEVEN THREE DOWN THE ROCKEFELLER STREET dance” if not ask me to recreate it for you? That was the death of me, absolute DEATH. OH, and it just keeps repeating that part its a bit annoying because if I want it to change when you pass the level the amount of duplicating and transposing would make me more of a mad man than I already am. I am still not satisfied with the music I absolutely hate it. I ended up staying up all night for the stupid music. ABBA is a very nice music group while we are on the topic. Oh and the fact the browser times out that was hard. I completed the tilemap that took around oh I don’t know an hour let’s say. (it was longer… way longer) I had to make a custom tile and once I was done with my whole tilemap guess what happened. You know what I will tell you. THE WHOLE TILE MAP CTRL DELETED ITS SELF OF THE SURFACE OF THE DANG WORLD. I majorly dislike make code and would advise them to fix this because I didn’t burst into tears not at all. Also last problem I had a fun time fixing the two-year-old drawings in the beginning. That took a while.

Writing that paragraph gave me some 🧚🏼‍♂️✨aggression✨🧚🏼‍♂️

Anyway I will tell you what buttons do what. The wasd is normal walking for the pin area you use the wasd to move and the a button to accept. In the arena you must overlap with the book and press a to “give a compliment” and you know the rest. Also when you look over the math scrolls you might need to walk in the other direction and press a to get out.

One last thing, I left a little easter egg. A variation of the “Konami Code” will be in play do your best to find it. I have hidden two easter eggs that end up being codes in here to so look out for them 😉

I lied. This is the last thing. I would advise playing the game in full screen, so I will leave the link here.

This would normally be a normal person signing off but I am not normal am I…




The Dos Dos

I made this hooman chasing a duck for a video game. This was an experience… So I have dabbled in coding. Key word dabbled here. I figured out my logic is hidden very deep inside my brain, very deep.

This is a decently hard game you need hand eye coordination for sure. So as I said the base is the hooman trying to catch a duck. Why, that remains unknown. So I got this far and thought this is to easy I am bored. Its kinda of like finishing a game and asking yourself should I delete this app because I wont play this again right?

Nope, just me? Ok, fine I’ll move on. I may or may not made little ghost chase you because that exactly what it needed. ehehe… So the ghost with the green gem on its head is negative two points and the other is just a random joe that died. He is worth a negative one. He isn’t special. At this point, I thought it’s hard to get more than two points since the gem ghost is faster and the ghost are chasing you.

Why am I torturing myself. I don’t know either. To help myself I added this little doggo after you earn five points that will give you two points. (Coding this was a nightmare quite literally took hours.)

Also, I really loved how this game turned out. I would probably change the background if I had to.

Well, you did read this far so kudos to you. If I did my job right then you should want to play the game. If not then it’s your life do what you want. Fyi high score is 20.

Also check out the code try changing it if you want!

First DOS

Hi! So this is your first DOSe of me. Welcome. I am probably a little gremlin if you know me in real life. So someone wanted to know about me and here we are… Im guessing you don’t want to hear most of this so I will explain my nickname. Its PEQUENO DOS since im am the tiny child. When I say tiny child I mean 4’2. Now you are most likely thinking “THAT’S NOT BAD” well please THINK AGAIN. Thank you. With that out of the way major fact: Im thee fangorl which should be threatning but with my height not really. Disclaimer I make fun of my height a lot. Thats pretty much about me though so enjoy the rest of the DOSes’ pun intended.