The Dos Dos

I made this hooman chasing a duck for a video game. This was an experience… So I have dabbled in coding. Key word dabbled here. I figured out my logic is hidden very deep inside my brain, very deep.

This is a decently hard game you need hand eye coordination for sure. So as I said the base is the hooman trying to catch a duck. Why, that remains unknown. So I got this far and thought this is to easy I am bored. Its kinda of like finishing a game and asking yourself should I delete this app because I wont play this again right?

Nope, just me? Ok, fine I’ll move on. I may or may not made little ghost chase you because that exactly what it needed. ehehe… So the ghost with the green gem on its head is negative two points and the other is just a random joe that died. He is worth a negative one. He isn’t special. At this point, I thought it’s hard to get more than two points since the gem ghost is faster and the ghost are chasing you.

Why am I torturing myself. I don’t know either. To help myself I added this little doggo after you earn five points that will give you two points. (Coding this was a nightmare quite literally took hours.)

Also, I really loved how this game turned out. I would probably change the background if I had to.

Well, you did read this far so kudos to you. If I did my job right then you should want to play the game. If not then it’s your life do what you want. Fyi high score is 20.

Also check out the code try changing it if you want!

One Reply to “The Dos Dos”

  1. While you may not have as much confidence in your ‘logic’, you demonstrated a high level in this game! Not only does it work, but you took advantage of many features other students have delved into yet. I’d have loved to hear more about coding the Doggo, why that was so difficult and how you overcame it. But great job linking it up and embedding both the game and the code.

    I do hope that you don’t continue titling your blog posts by order tho, as that will get very confusing and difficult to navigate over time!

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