Well, When Life Gives You Lemons…

So this is the beautiful monster this assignment has given birth to. If you played my game and paid real close attention you would see the guy at the end had the star and droplet symbol on it. I wanted to keep the controller somewhat generic since there is a collection of games and I might add different ones I made so it’s kind of bland now. I like to think of it as a galaxy and the buttons are planets. 👍 I have more pictures. This isn’t good for you.

This is not messy that’s just your point of view. The big green thing with metal is a joystick. It is the same mechanism as the buttons but it’s just a stick instead of pushing down on buttons. I would like to mention that this layout works for me but maybe not everyone. My RPI0 is suspended in the air from the mini HDMI cable and micro USB. I also have a menu and restart button.
The yellow button is the menu. Blue is a and white is b. The red button on the side is the restart to get out of the game and the joystick doesn’t do anything. I just has your basic functions of moving your player in your game.
The screen in the background is my game during the boss battle with the math book. If you haven’t played my game I would threaten you to play it but for legal reasons, I just won’t do it on this blog post.

If you read this much I would like to thank you for bearing with the last two brain cells in my brain. They are dancing very vigorously. I will go cry myself to sleep about the number of tests that I have. I am totally 🧚✨FINE✨🧚